Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Swiss movie is next in World Film Series

TK Park is screening Tambour Battant (Roll The Drum), the fourth movie of the 2024 Contemporary World Film Series, at the auditorium on the 8th floor of CentralWorld, on Oct 12 at 3.30pm.
Directed by François- Christophe Marzal, this is a multi-layered social comedy that amalgamates many subjects — music, competition, love, family, and even politics, immigration and the women’s suffragette movement.
The Swiss film is set in a fictional, picturesque town in the canton of Valais in the 1970s, where two brass bands are rehearsing hoping to perform for the Federal Music Fair, which only takes place once every five years.
In Valais, women gained the right to vote at the cantonal level for the first time in 1970. This historical event is set against the fictitious tale of the music competition between the two marching bands in the lovely Swiss countryside.
The rivalry between the two bands mirrors other rivalries — between two very different men over a woman, between conservative and progressive views about woman-power (gender equality), between the locals of the village and the outsiders who come to work there (immigration). These issues are still very relevant today.
Even the songs played by the bands reflect the clash between the old and new rhythms. The words and actions fly fast in this vibrant drama, with a marvellous ensemble cast.
The film is in French with English subtitles. Swiss ambassador Pedro Zwahlen will introduce the film and the Embassy of Switzerland will host a reception of snacks and drinks after the screening.
Tickets cost 20 baht. For reservations, email [email protected] or call 02-257-4300.
